Friday, July 31, 2020

Headaches Are The Most Common Symptom Of Hypertension, But Also Watch For This One

Headaches Are The Most Common Symptom Of Hypertension, But Also Watch For This One    

Uncontrollable Eye Twitching Can Be A Sign Of High Blood Pressure Or Burnout    

Headaches are a common symptom of hypertension. However, there are unusual symptoms, such as eye twitching. This shows as an uncontrollable spasm of the upper or lower eyelid and can last for a short time to several hours. This can be a symptom of other conditions, like burnout, low level of magnesium and even hyperthyroidism. Additional information click here.


Menopause Also Affects Your Cardiovascular Health

Menopause Also Affects Your Cardiovascular Health    

Menopause means that the body is going through hormonal changes, which include hot flashes, mood swings, and weight gain. But it also affects cardiovascular health because there is less production of estrogen. This can result in hypertension, high cholesterol, diabetes, and abnormal heart rate, among others. Additional details click here.


Thursday, July 30, 2020

Green Tea Has Amazing Health Benefits

Green Tea Has Amazing Health Benefits    

Green tea is rich in antioxidants and polyphenols, which oxidize the fat and make it great for weight reduction, treating Alzheimer’s, reducing stress and improving brain activity, because of its caffeine and amino acids, lowers cholesterol and the risk of heart disease, and improves dental health due to the presence of catechin, a component that kills bacteria, lowering the risk of oral infection and preventing bad breath. Click here for more details.


Study: Small Cluster Of Cells Responsible For Controlling Blood Pressure

Study: Small Cluster Of Cells Responsible For Controlling Blood Pressure    

High blood pressure is usually treated with medicines and a change of habits. However, it has been discovered that a small cluster of cells located near the carotid artery can cause high blood pressure. Researches removed this body the size of a rice grain and it resulted in an immediate drop in blood pressure. Apparently, this body monitors the oxygen level in the blood, informing the brain to increase the blood pressure, and this monitoring can give false readings. Click here for more info.


Shoulder Problems Related To Cardiovascular Conditions

Shoulder Problems Related To Cardiovascular Conditions    

A study has found that patients with shoulder problems, tendonitis, carpal tunnel syndrome were related to cardiovascular disease factors, such as high blood pressure, diabetes or tobacco use. Click here for more info.


Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Are Bananas Are Safe For People With Hypertension?

Are Bananas Are Safe For People With Hypertension?    

Bananas are consumed by everyone, but there are certain myths around them. For example, they should not be taken by diabetics, however, their low glycemic index helps stabilize the sugar levels. Another myth is its high amount of sugar, but it is a source of natural sugar. Also, it is said that they should not be consumed by people with high blood pressure, but its vitamin B6, minerals, potassium and fiber actually helps lower blood pressure. More info click here.


High Blood Pressure Can Lead To Cognitive Impairment In Middle-Aged Persons

High Blood Pressure Can Lead To Cognitive Impairment In Middle-Aged Persons    

Middle-aged persons with high blood pressure are more exposed to Alzheimer’s and impaired cognition. This is because hypertension affects many parts of the body, and the brain, one of the most affected organs. Additional details click here.


Green Tea Has Amazing Health Benefits

Green Tea Has Amazing Health Benefits    

Green tea is rich in antioxidants and polyphenols, which oxidize the fat and make it great for weight reduction, treating Alzheimer’s, reducing stress and improving brain activity, because of its caffeine and amino acids, lowers cholesterol and the risk of heart disease, and improves dental health due to the presence of catechin, a component that kills bacteria, lowering the risk of oral infection and preventing bad breath. Click here for more details.


Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Headaches Are The Most Common Symptom Of Hypertension, But Also Watch For This One

Headaches Are The Most Common Symptom Of Hypertension, But Also Watch For This One    

Uncontrollable Eye Twitching Can Be A Sign Of High Blood Pressure Or Burnout    

Headaches are a common symptom of hypertension. However, there are unusual symptoms, such as eye twitching. This shows as an uncontrollable spasm of the upper or lower eyelid and can last for a short time to several hours. This can be a symptom of other conditions, like burnout, low level of magnesium and even hyperthyroidism. Additional information click here.


Software Based On Artificial Intelligence Can Predict Mortality In Heart Disease Patients

Software Based On Artificial Intelligence Can Predict Mortality In Heart Disease Patients    

An artificial intelligence software can predict mortality in patients with a serious heart disorder, and can also help doctors prescribe better treatments for patients with pulmonary hypertension. It creates a 3D model of patients with heart conditions and compares it with the health records of other patients to make a forecast. Click here for more info.


Snoring Is Not Only An Annoyance, But It Could Also Result In Severe Cardiovascular Problems

Snoring Is Not Only An Annoyance, But It Could Also Result In Severe Cardiovascular Problems    

Besides Increasing The Risk Of Sleep Apnea, Snoring Vibrations Thicken The Walls Of The Carotid Arteries, Restricting Blood Blow    

One of the symptoms of heart attack, besides chest pain, dizziness and headaches, id myocardial infarction, this occurs when the heart does not receive enough blood supply. This condition can occur when a person is lying in bed and its risk can increase if the person has excessive snoring. The reason is the vibration generated by the snore also affects the carotid arteries, which are located near the throat, restricting blood flow. This results in a thickening of the walls of the arteries. Snoring is actually considered an annoyance for the bed partner, but can also be a sign of a poor cardiovascular condition. Also, snoring can lead to sleep apnea, a condition in which the air passage gets interrupted by the relaxation of the tongue tissue, and the patient stops breathing. This increases the risk of stroke and is also related to high blood pressure. More Information click here.


Monday, July 27, 2020

Sitting For An Extended Time In A Plane Can Lead To Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)

Sitting For An Extended Time In A Plane Can Lead To Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)    

It Can Lead To More Serious Health Conditions Such As Pulmonary Embolism    

Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) occurs when a blood clot develops within a deep vein in the body, typically in the leg. This condition is caused by sitting for an extended time, such as when flying, and shows as pain and swelling in one leg. It can have complications can be fatal because it can result in pulmonary embolism, which is a blockage of a blood vessel in the lungs, leading to shortness of breath and chest pain. Prolonged inactivity causes pooling of blood in the lower parts of the body. This can happen on a plane, or after an operation. In many cases, there are no symptoms of DVT. However, there can also be pain, swelling and tenderness in one leg. The affected area also has a heavy ache and feels warm. It can be prevented by just walking around, and drinking water to avoid dehydration. Additional details click here.


Thyroid Disorder Symptoms Include Hair Loss, Digestive Problems, And Anxiety

Thyroid Disorder Symptoms Include Hair Loss, Digestive Problems, And Anxiety    

Untreated, It Can Seriously Affect The Function Of The Main Organs    

The thyroid gland regulates the production of energy and metabolism, including the heart, brain, bowels, skin and body temperature. Incorrect hormonal levels will affect health and wellbeing. The symptoms of a low hormonal level (hypothyroidism) include hair loss, constipation, fatigue, weight gain, depression, and anxiety. On the other side, high hormone levels (hyperthyroidism) show as weight loss, anxiety, insomnia, increased appetite, and heart palpitations. Both conditions have various symptoms, which can make diagnosis difficult. Additional details click here.


Depression Increases The Risk Of Heart Disease

Depression Increases The Risk Of Heart Disease    

Cardiovascular risk is often associated with lack of exercise, excess weight, high cholesterol, among other physical conditions. But it does not say anything about mental conditions. A study revealed that depression has the same importance as cholesterol for cardiovascular deaths. This is because it results in higher levels of cortisol. Additional information click here.


Sunday, July 26, 2020

These Natural Treatments Can Improve The Effect Of Your Blood Pressure Medications

These Natural Treatments Can Improve The Effect Of Your Blood Pressure Medications    

Treating blood pressure consists of a combination of meds plus healthy habits. Among these are low-fat diets, exercises, and losing weight. Certain foods will help the effect of meds, such as onions, which includes an antioxidant related to reducing hypertension, garlic, which reduces blood pressure and cholesterol, turmeric, Omega-3, among others. Check the full list. Additional details click here.


Friday, July 24, 2020

Is There A Minimum Amount Of Daily Salt Intake To Prevent Hypertension?

Is There A Minimum Amount Of Daily Salt Intake To Prevent Hypertension?    

Excess sodium has been related to hypertension by numerous studies. One of the most recent has shown that lowering salt intake to less than 1.5 grams per day lowers significantly the blood pressure. More details click here.


High Blood Pressure Can Affect Intelligence In Children

High Blood Pressure Can Affect Intelligence In Children    

A recent research has related hypertension with increased cognitive deterioration. The same happens in children, which will be at a disadvantage when seeking successful achievement and success. One of the causes is childhood obesity. What to do about it? Additional info click here.


Thursday, July 23, 2020

Cucumbers Promote Bone Health And Help Reducing Bad Breath

Cucumbers Promote Bone Health And Help Reducing Bad Breath    

They Also Lower The Level Of Bad Cholesterol And Increase The Level Of The Good One    

Besides being great for salads, cucumbers also have beneficial health properties. They are rich in vitamin K, promoting bone health. Vitamin K is fundamental for bone health and formation, and low levels of this vitamin have been linked to an increase in the risk of fractures and osteoporosis. Cucumber seeds lower the level of cholesterol, decreasing bad cholesterol (LDL) and triglycerides, and increasing the good one (HDL). Also, according to recent studies, it reduces the risk of estrogen-related cancers, such as breast, ovary, uterus, and prostate cancer. The fluid in cucumbers also helps fight bad breath. Along with saliva, it cleanses the foul-smelling bacteria from the mouth. Click here for more details.


Hypertension Can Result In Stroke In Elderly Patients

Hypertension Can Result In Stroke In Elderly Patients    

One of the possible consequences of high blood pressure in seniors is a stroke. This happens when a ruptured blood vessel or a clog in the brain causes a sudden loss in brain function. Among the complications are paralysis, memory loss, emotional problems, and pain. Learn about the complications. More Information click here.


After A Cardiovascular Injury, Immune Cells In The Bloodstream Prevent The Heart From Healing

After A Cardiovascular Injury, Immune Cells In The Bloodstream Prevent The Heart From Healing    

They Inhibit The Curative Action Of The Immune Cells Located Inside The Heart    

Researchers have found that immune cells can help relieve heart disease or worsen it, depending on their location. They showed that immune cells located inside the heart are activated after an injury, reducing the risk of cardiovascular damage. But if the cells are located in the bloodstream and arrive at her heart, they worsen the disease. This occurs considering that both cell groups are of the same type, which is macrophages that consume cellular debris. They have different functions, depending if they are located inside the heart, or are located in the bloodstream and arrive at the heart after an injury. The cells in the bloodstream prevent the local cells from performing its healing job. Researchers are working on ways to inhibit the effect of immune cells in the bloodstream when they enter the heart. More Information click here.


Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Proteins Help Reducing Blood Pressure And Improving Sleep

Proteins Help Reducing Blood Pressure And Improving Sleep    

Proteins are the building blocks of the body, responsible for building tissues and organs, and other components such as hormones and enzymes. Other benefits are reducing the blood pressure, because of the high content of amino acids in proteins. They also reduce the risk of osteoporosis and improve sleep, among others. More info click here.


New Hypertension Triple Pill Streamlines Treatment For High Blood Pressure

New Hypertension Triple Pill Streamlines Treatment For High Blood Pressure    

The Pill Contains The Drugs For The Most Common Types Of Hypertension, Simplifying The Treatment Process For Doctors And Patients    

A study has shown that treatment for high blood pressure can be more beneficial for the patient with a pill that combines three drugs for hypertension, which are telmisartan (20 milligrams), amlodipine (2.5 milligrams), and chlorthalidone (12.5 milligrams). Normal hypertension treatment requires many visits to the doctor while he evaluates the cause for hypertension, by prescribing a series of drugs and evaluation the result, changing the dosage levels, which will result in a prescribed treatment and dosage. This required visits at frequent intervals, which is considered inefficient and costly, therefore many patients fail to assist to the appointments. A new approach is using a pill with multiple drugs, nicknamed the triple pill. It includes the most common drugs doctors use to treat hypertension. The study revealed that the triple pill was more effective in reaching the target pressure, in comparison to the normal treatment. 70% of patients taking the triple pill achieved their target blood pressure, compared to only 50% of the patients with the traditional treatment. Also, in the case of the patients being treated by the triple pill, 83% were still following the treatment after 6 months, which showed the impact of the simplicity of the treatment. In the group with the traditional treatment, most of them had a variation in the type of drugs and the dose quantity. Click here for more details.


One-Third Of High Blood Pressure Sufferers Do Not Bother To Get Treatment

One-Third Of High Blood Pressure Sufferers Do Not Bother To Get Treatment    

Consequences Can Be Heart Attack, Stroke Or Kidney Failure    

One of the results of modern life and diet is the high incidence of hypertension. However, in some cases, symptoms remain undetected until it is too late. The problem is the lack of diagnosing and the lack of treatment. 15% of the persons with high blood pressure don’t realize that they suffer from it. But it gets worse: one-third of the 85% that are aware of their condition does not manage it nor bother to get treatment. Untreated hypertension can result in heart attack, stroke, or kidney failure. Additional info click here.


Tuesday, July 21, 2020

This Is The Reason Why Blood Pressure Increases In Elder People

This Is The Reason Why Blood Pressure Increases In Elder People    

There is a reason why blood pressure increases as we age. Our blood vessels lose elasticity, due to the changes in the connective tissue of the blood vessel wall. The capillary walls also thicken, reducing the exchange of nutrients. Also, there are receptors that monitor the blood pressure and compensate it when the person changes positions. These receptors become less sensitive. Click here for more info.


Specific Antioxidants Deliver A Youth Treatment To Arteries

Specific Antioxidants Deliver A Youth Treatment To Arteries    

Improvement Resembles Blood Vessels 15 Or 20 Years Younger    

Researchers have discovered evidence that pharmaceutical-level nutritional supplements, called nutraceuticals, could help to prevent cardiovascular disease related to older age. It consists of a mitochondria-specific antioxidant. The clinical trial measured how well the arteries dilated with increased blood flow. Patients given the antioxidant have an improvement of 42% in artery dilation, similar to a person 15 or 20 years younger. This is also associated with a reduction of 13% in heart disease, and also a reduction in oxidative stress, which makes the arteries stiff. Click here for more information.


New Hypertension Treatment Based On Electroacupuncture

New Hypertension Treatment Based On Electroacupuncture    

There is a treatment or hypertension based on electroacupuncture. It increases the release of a certain opioid that controls hypertension. The lower blood pressure lasted for three days after the treatment. Additional information click here.


Monday, July 20, 2020

A Better Diet Will Help With Reducing High Blood Pressure

A Better Diet Will Help With Reducing High Blood Pressure    

High blood pressure is treated with meds, but it is also important to change eating habits. For example, the DASH or Mediterranean diet contains olive oil, fruit, garlic, and low-fat dairy products. Others are eating ore flaxseed, beetroot juice, and fewer potatoes. Check all the foods. More Information click here.


Men And Women Have Different Risk Levels Of Having A Heart Attack

Men And Women Have Different Risk Levels Of Having A Heart Attack    

There are gender differences in relation to the risk of heart attack. A woman’s heart is smaller and the walls are thinner. Even though it pumps faster than a man’s it pumps 10 percent less blood. That said, there are diseases that only affect women like endometriosis and pregnancy-related diabetes. Also, women are protected from heart attacks because of the level of estrogen, which drops when they reach the menopause. Symptoms also differ: while in men there is chest pain, in women, there is fatigue, sweating, and neck or jaw pain, and they happen several weeks before the attack. Check all the differences. Additional details click here.


Strokes Are Becoming More Frequent In Young Adults

Strokes Are Becoming More Frequent In Young Adults    

This Might Increase The Death Toll, For A Second Stroke Is Usually Fatal    

Strokes are mostly related to older, overweight people. However, this condition is becoming frequent in millennials, people from 18 to 34 years. Studies suggest the reason is diabetes, excess weight, lack of physical activity, and, in some cases, drug abuse. This impacts their families and expectations and increases the death rate because, they can have another stroke in the next 30 years, and statistics show that a second stroke has usually fatal consequences. Click here for more info.


Sunday, July 19, 2020

Heartburn And Hypertension Drugs Affect Dental Implant Procedures

Heartburn And Hypertension Drugs Affect Dental Implant Procedures    

A study suggests that certain drugs can affect the outcome of a dental implant procedure. It advises taking drugs for high blood pressure and avoid taking meds against heartburn. These drugs can alter how the bone tissue accepts the dental implant. Additional info click here.


Friday, July 17, 2020

Hypertension And Obesity Lowers Testosterone Level – How To Boost It?

Hypertension And Obesity Lowers Testosterone Level – How To Boost It?    

Hypertension, diabetes, and obesity lower testosterone levels, which is one of the main causes of erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation. There are ways to increase it, such as daily exercise, having a sleep schedule, getting rid of excess weight and taking care of stress, among others. More info click here.


Study: 30% Of Patients With Heart Failure May Have Anxiety Or Depression

Study: 30% Of Patients With Heart Failure May Have Anxiety Or Depression    

This Makes More Difficult For Them To Follow Guidelines For Diet And Physical Activity    

According to studies, 30% of patients with heart failure have also symptoms of anxiety and depression, which have a high risk of worsening their cardiovascular condition. In heart failure, the heart is unable to pump enough blood, resulting in symptoms such as fatigue and shortness of breath. Also, 13% of patients with heart failure have anxiety disorders such as panic disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Furthermore, the presence of depression and anxiety in patients with heart failure may difficult following recommendations for diet, exercise, and medication use. More details click here.


Thursday, July 16, 2020

Experts Agree That Heart Failure Is Not As Dangerous As Heart Attack

Experts Agree That Heart Failure Is Not As Dangerous As Heart Attack    

According to experts, heart failure is not as life-threatening as a heart attack. Heart failure is the inability of the heart to circulate blood normally. A heart attack occurs when the blood flow at the muscles is interrupted or severely reduced. Click here for more information.


Changing The Way Your Sleep Can Help Lower The Blood Pressure

Changing The Way Your Sleep Can Help Lower The Blood Pressure    

It Consists Of Dividing The 8-Hour Sleep Between Several Rest Periods    

Changing the way you sleep can have a significant impact on high blood pressure. Most people are worried about getting the 8 hours of sleep every night. One of the causes is because they are aware of the consequences of sleep deprivation. According to specialists, these eight hours can be divided into shorter periods, taking naps at midday and early evening. This is known as a polyphasic approach. It includes napping for 20 minutes, which helps forget the worries and also restores the body, lowering the blood pressure. Click here for more details.


These Breathing Exercises Will Lower Blood Pressure After One Minute

These Breathing Exercises Will Lower Blood Pressure After One Minute    

They Consist Of Whispering Sounds While Inhaling And Exhaling    

Besides drugs, there are natural treatments for high blood pressure. There are also activities that have proven to decrease hypertension. Among them are breathing exercises, which stimulate blood pressure receptors. According to specialists, one minute of this exercise will significantly lower blood pressure. Breathing exercises access the body’s control systems, which stimulate blood pressure receptors in the chest wall and activate nerve reflexes, lowering blood pressure, and slowing down the heart rate. These exercises consist of whispering sounds similar to ocean noise while inhaling and exhaling while imagining that the blood pressure is lowering. Additional details click here.


These Foods Will Help Controlling High Blood Pressure

These Foods Will Help Controlling High Blood Pressure    

There are foods that will help prevent and reduce hypertension. One of them is lemon, which softens the blood vessels and makes them flexible, reducing blood pressure, and also reduces triglyceride and cholesterol levels. Another is watermelon seeds, which has a compound called cucurbocitrin, a substance that helps with expanding the blood capillaries. Check all the list. Additional info click here.


Decaffeinated Coffee Has Health Benefits

Decaffeinated Coffee Has Health Benefits    

It Lowers The Risk Of Heartburn, Anxiety, And High Blood Pressure.    

Decaffeinated coffee is obtained from a process that removes 97% of caffeine. It contains 3 milligrams of caffeine per cup, while normal coffee has 85 milligrams. Also, it is known that coffee is a great source of antioxidants. Decaffeinated coffee does not have the same amount of antioxidants, but it has several benefits. Studies have proven to increase the performance of cognition-related tasks in la animals. Also, it lowers the risk of developing rectal cancer. It also lowers risk factors, such as inflammation and depression, lowering the mortality rate. And one of the main benefits is related to caffeine intolerance, which results in acid reflux. heartburn, and gastric issues. It also decreases the side effects of regular coffee, such as anxiety, fatigue, high blood pressure, and sleeplessness. There are also medications that can have a negative effect if taken with caffeine. In these cases, decaf is a healthier choice. Also, coffee has been related to a lower risk of conditions such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, in these cases, both regular coffee and decaf have shown positive results. More info click here.


Sitting For An Extended Time In A Plane Can Lead To Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)

Sitting For An Extended Time In A Plane Can Lead To Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)    

It Can Lead To More Serious Health Conditions Such As Pulmonary Embolism    

Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) occurs when a blood clot develops within a deep vein in the body, typically in the leg. This condition is caused by sitting for an extended time, such as when flying, and shows as pain and swelling in one leg. It can have complications can be fatal because it can result in pulmonary embolism, which is a blockage of a blood vessel in the lungs, leading to shortness of breath and chest pain. Prolonged inactivity causes pooling of blood in the lower parts of the body. This can happen on a plane, or after an operation. In many cases, there are no symptoms of DVT. However, there can also be pain, swelling and tenderness in one leg. The affected area also has a heavy ache and feels warm. It can be prevented by just walking around, and drinking water to avoid dehydration. Additional details click here.


Acupuncture Has Positive Effects On Brain Chemistry, Treating Anxiety And Stress

Acupuncture Has Positive Effects On Brain Chemistry, Treating Anxiety And Stress    

It Also Lowers High Blood Pressure And Treats Back Pain And Circadian Rhythm Disorders    

Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese practice which has more than 2000 years old. Even though it is widely known, not everybody knows its effects on the body. Some of its benefits are positive changes in brain chemistry, the release of neurotransmitters, and pain reduction. It can cause the brain to release molecules that allow communication between cells and neurons, called neuropeptides, which can relieve pain and promote self-healing. It also produces other chemicals that help to manage pain, called endorphins which also are beneficial for treating back pain. Acupuncture also relaxes blood vessels, reducing hypertension and cerebral blood vessels. Another benefit is the release of neurotransmitters to manage stress, reduce anxiety, promote mood, and even treat circadian rhythm disorders. Additional info click here.


Stress And Anxiety Is Worse For Patients With Cardiovascular Diseases

Stress And Anxiety Is Worse For Patients With Cardiovascular Diseases    

It Can Increase The Odds Of Premature Death    

Stress and anxiety are responsible for poor health conditions. It can get even worse: the patient has four times the probability of mortality from a heart condition if there is also cardiovascular disease. These patients can also find death in other stressful situations, such as earthquakes, and other natural disasters, or even a sudden loss, divorce or job stress. Click here for more details.


Wednesday, July 15, 2020

These Spices Will Help With Bad Breath, Hypertension And IBS

These Spices Will Help With Bad Breath, Hypertension And IBS    

Spices add flavor to the food and are great for cooking. However, they also have health benefits. For example, cinnamon and cardamom have antibacterial properties that will with oral care and fighting bad breath. These two spices, along with paprika, have also properties for lowering blood pressure. Coriander can help with poor digestion, IBS, and intestinal gas. Check all the benefits. More Information click here.


Study Reveals How Stress And Anxiety Increases The Risk Of Heart Disease And Stroke

Study Reveals How Stress And Anxiety Increases The Risk Of Heart Disease And Stroke    

Recent studies have shown that the amygdala is more active in people with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety and depression, and have related this activity to cardiovascular conditions, such as heart attack, angina, heart failure an stroke. More Information click here.


Men And Women Have Different Risk Levels Of Having A Heart Attack

Men And Women Have Different Risk Levels Of Having A Heart Attack    

There are gender differences in relation to the risk of heart attack. A woman’s heart is smaller and the walls are thinner. Even though it pumps faster than a man’s it pumps 10 percent less blood. That said, there are diseases that only affect women like endometriosis and pregnancy-related diabetes. Also, women are protected from heart attacks because of the level of estrogen, which drops when they reach the menopause. Symptoms also differ: while in men there is chest pain, in women, there is fatigue, sweating, and neck or jaw pain, and they happen several weeks before the attack. Check all the differences. Additional details click here.


Tuesday, July 14, 2020

This Is How Panic Attacks And Heart Attacks Are Controlled By Beta-Blockers

This Is How Panic Attacks And Heart Attacks Are Controlled By Beta-Blockers    

Beta-blockers are drugs that block the effect of the chemicals adrenaline and norepinephrine. These substances are responsible for changes in the cardiovascular system as a reaction to stress or danger. However, in some people, these changes are frequent, leading to high blood pressure and increasing the risk of heart attacks. Additional details click here.


Reducing High Blood Pressure The Natural Way With Fruits And Vegetables

Reducing High Blood Pressure The Natural Way With Fruits And Vegetables    

Experts Recommend Five Daily Portions    

High blood pressure requires medication to control it. However, it also requires healthy habits and lifestyle changes, which include exercise and losing weight. According to specialists, eating five portions of fruit and vegetables also helps, each potion being 80g or the size of the fist. They can be distributed the following way: 3 tablespoons of vegetables and one of dried fruit, one medium-sized fruit, a dessert bowl of salad, and a glass of fruit or vegetable juice. Also, yogurt will reduce the risk of hypertension in women. Additional info click here.


Heart Disease Patients Diagnosed With Depression Can Double Their Mortality Risk

Heart Disease Patients Diagnosed With Depression Can Double Their Mortality Risk    

This Is Because Patients With Depression Are Less Likely To Follow Guidelines For Medication And Lifestyle Change    

A study has shown that patients with coronary artery disease (CAD) has double the risk of mortality if they also suffer from depression. One of the reasons might be that patients with depression are less likely to follow instructions about medication, exercise, diet, and a healthier lifestyle. Another reason might be the physiological changes that accompany depression. Therefore, it is very important to provide treatment depression to CAD patients. Click here for more details.


Monday, July 13, 2020

These Foods Will Help Lowering Blood Pressure

These Foods Will Help Lowering Blood Pressure    

Among Them Are Garlic, Ginger, And Dark Chocolate    

The most common treatment for high pressure is meds. However, there are foods that also help with hypertension. Among these are garlic, which relaxed the blood vessels, ginger, which lowers cholesterol levels and prevents blood clots, and dark chocolate, which lowers blood pressure and reduces the risk of heart attack. Other foods are beetroot, which is rich in nitric oxide, helping to open blood vessels, and olive oil, which has polyphenols, compounds that help fighting inflammation and lowering blood pressure. Check the full list of foods that will help lower blood pressure. Click here for more info.


Depression Increases The Risk Of Heart Disease

Depression Increases The Risk Of Heart Disease    

Cardiovascular risk is often associated with lack of exercise, excess weight, high cholesterol, among other physical conditions. But it does not say anything about mental conditions. A study revealed that depression has the same importance as cholesterol for cardiovascular deaths. This is because it results in higher levels of cortisol. Additional information click here.


Sleep Apnea Can Lead To More Serious Conditions – Learn To Identify It

Sleep Apnea Can Lead To More Serious Conditions – Learn To Identify It    

Among These Are Irregular Heartbeat, Hypertension, Heart Attack, And Stroke    

Snoring is usually related to sleep apnea, which, as we have discussed before, interrupts the air flow and leads to poor blood oxygenation and oxygen restriction to the brain. However, there are other additional effects that can be a health risk. Among them are irregular heartbeat, high blood pressure, heart attack, stroke, and daytime sleepiness. Sleep apnea also is more common in overweight people, with large necks and narrow airways. Large tonsils are also a problem, but they can be removed, if necessary. Usually, the roommate’s complains are the first warning, but if the sufferer lives alone, the symptoms will be extreme sleepiness, morning headaches, poor memory and concentration, and irritability. More details click here.


Sunday, July 12, 2020

Pros And Cons Of Taking Diuretics

Pros And Cons Of Taking Diuretics    

Diuretics are the oldest treatment for high blood pressure since they help the kidneys to eliminate water and sodium, which decreases blood volume. Since the heart pumps a lower volume, there is less blood pressure. However, it affects the level of potassium which is important for nerve and muscle function. Click here for more details.


Friday, July 10, 2020

Study: Excess Work Hours Related To Atrial Fibrillation

Study: Excess Work Hours Related To Atrial Fibrillation    

It Contributes To The Possibility Of Stroke And Heart Failure    

According to researchers, long working hour increases the risk of heart disease. It can lead to a cardiovascular condition called atrial fibrillation (AF), which is the most common cardiac arrhythmia. This contributes to increasing the risk of a stroke, heart failure, and stroke-related dementia because it forms blood clots. Click here for more information.


Pill With Low Doses Of Three Types Of Hypertension Drugs Proved More Effective Than Usual Treatment

Pill With Low Doses Of Three Types Of Hypertension Drugs Proved More Effective Than Usual Treatment    

They Treat Several Causes Of High Blood Pressure And Have A Synergistic Effect    

Researchers have found that treating high blood pressure treatment with a pill that contains a low dose of three medication for hypertension (called the Triple Pill) is more effective than usual treatment. After 6 months, almost 70% of the patients receiving the triple pill achieved a blood pressure within the target range, compared to 44% of patients with normal medication. The medications in the triple pill are telmisartan, amlodipine, and chlorthalidone, which address a different type of hypertension and have a synergistic effect. Click here for more info.


Thursday, July 9, 2020

One-Third Of High Blood Pressure Sufferers Do Not Bother To Get Treatment

One-Third Of High Blood Pressure Sufferers Do Not Bother To Get Treatment    

Consequences Can Be Heart Attack, Stroke Or Kidney Failure    

One of the results of modern life and diet is the high incidence of hypertension. However, in some cases, symptoms remain undetected until it is too late. The problem is the lack of diagnosing and the lack of treatment. 15% of the persons with high blood pressure don’t realize that they suffer from it. But it gets worse: one-third of the 85% that are aware of their condition does not manage it nor bother to get treatment. Untreated hypertension can result in heart attack, stroke, or kidney failure. Additional info click here.


Chocolate Is Beneficial For Blood Pressure Reduction And Cardiovascular Disease

Chocolate Is Beneficial For Blood Pressure Reduction And Cardiovascular Disease    

Chocolate reduces the risk of acute myocardial infarction. A study has shown that chocolate and cocoa flavonoids help with blood pressure, insulin sensitivity, among others. It is also related to a reduction of stroke incidence and cardiovascular disease mortality. Click here for more information.


These Natural Treatments Can Improve The Effect Of Your Blood Pressure Medications

These Natural Treatments Can Improve The Effect Of Your Blood Pressure Medications    

Treating blood pressure consists of a combination of meds plus healthy habits. Among these are low-fat diets, exercises, and losing weight. Certain foods will help the effect of meds, such as onions, which includes an antioxidant related to reducing hypertension, garlic, which reduces blood pressure and cholesterol, turmeric, Omega-3, among others. Check the full list. Additional details click here.


Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Eating Too Quickly Can Lead To Acid Reflux, Diabetes, And Heart Problems

Eating Too Quickly Can Lead To Acid Reflux, Diabetes, And Heart Problems    

Food Is Not Properly Chewed, Nor Includes The Enzymes For Saliva    

There are cases in which fast food has a second definition. Besides being prepared quickly, it is eaten rapidly. Food needs to be chewed properly to break it up into smaller pieces and mixed with saliva enzymes for proper digestion. Also, proper digestion is established after 20 minutes. Eating too fast may have serious health consequences, such as increasing the risk of diabetes, due to insulin resistance caused by overeating. The heart also suffers due to a higher risk of developing metabolic syndrome. It also causes obesity because the brain does not receive the signal of fullness in time, and also leads to acid reflux, since there is excessive secretion of acid to process the poorly chewed food. Additional details click here.


These Foods Will Help Controlling High Blood Pressure

These Foods Will Help Controlling High Blood Pressure    

There are foods that will help prevent and reduce hypertension. One of them is lemon, which softens the blood vessels and makes them flexible, reducing blood pressure, and also reduces triglyceride and cholesterol levels. Another is watermelon seeds, which has a compound called cucurbocitrin, a substance that helps with expanding the blood capillaries. Check all the list. Additional info click here.


Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Specific Antioxidants Deliver A Youth Treatment To Arteries

Specific Antioxidants Deliver A Youth Treatment To Arteries    

Improvement Resembles Blood Vessels 15 Or 20 Years Younger    

Researchers have discovered evidence that pharmaceutical-level nutritional supplements, called nutraceuticals, could help to prevent cardiovascular disease related to older age. It consists of a mitochondria-specific antioxidant. The clinical trial measured how well the arteries dilated with increased blood flow. Patients given the antioxidant have an improvement of 42% in artery dilation, similar to a person 15 or 20 years younger. This is also associated with a reduction of 13% in heart disease, and also a reduction in oxidative stress, which makes the arteries stiff. Click here for more information.


New Non-Invasive Procedure Can Detect Heart Disease In Apparently Healthy Patients

New Non-Invasive Procedure Can Detect Heart Disease In Apparently Healthy Patients    

Early Detection Can Help Patients Lower The Risk Of Heart Attack    

Recent research has found a noninvasive way to detect cardiovascular disease in apparently healthy patients, identifying inflammation in blood vessels which could result in a heart attack. It consists of detecting inflammation in arteries surrounding the fat tissue. Most tests detect heart disease only after arteries are narrowing. However, with early detection, patients can take steps to lower the risk of heart attacks, such as exercise, weight control, and diet. More details click here.


Differentiating A Heart Attack From A Cardiac Arrest

Differentiating A Heart Attack From A Cardiac Arrest    

A Blood Blockage Causes A Heart Attack, While A Cardiac Arrest Is A Malfunction Of The Electrical System That Controls Heartbeats    

There are a variety of cardiovascular conditions, and the most serious is a heart attack and cardiac arrest. Heart attacks are usually related to fatal outcomes, or to an incapacitating condition. The truth is that heart attacks can be fatal, but not all of them are. A heart attack comes when there is a loss of blood irrigation in an area of the heart, caused by a blood clot. Depending on the location of the blood clot, the heart damage will affect the ability to pump blood. If the blood clot is located on the main artery that supplies blood to the heart, there is a very high risk of a fatality. While a heart attack is related to blood flow, a cardiac arrest is caused when there is a malfunction on the electrical system that regulates the heartbeats. This can cause the heart to beat chaotically or rapidly, or even stop, preventing the blood flow to the other organs. Cardiac arrests can be caused by heart attacks, imbalance of minerals in the blood, or a drug overdose, among others. Check what to do in case of both conditions. Additional information click here.


Monday, July 6, 2020

Aged Cheese Related With An Extended Lifespan

Aged Cheese Related With An Extended Lifespan    

A study has shown that aged cheeses can extend the lifespan. This is because a component called spermicide. It induces a process called autophagy, in which the heart cells identify which parts of them are not working properly and shuts them down. Additional details click here.


Caffeine Can Help Reduce Inflammation In Old Age And Also Increase Longevity

Caffeine Can Help Reduce Inflammation In Old Age And Also Increase Longevity    

A cup of coffee will boost your morning. Now according to a study, it can also help fight inflammation and cardiovascular diseases related to older age, and even increase the longevity. The study related high levels of caffeine with lower activation of a molecule that triggers chronic inflammation, which is responsible for 90 percent of all non-communicable disease in old age. On the other hand, caffeine also triggered hypertension in patients. Additional information click here.


Sleep Apnea Can Lead To Hypertension

Sleep Apnea Can Lead To Hypertension    

Sleep apnea occurs when breathing is interrupted for a short period. This results in a reduction of oxygen in the blood, which leads to excess fatigue in the morning, and, if untreated, can result in high blood pressure, diabetes and even stroke. Click here for more details.


Sunday, July 5, 2020

Reduce Hypertension By Taking Probiotics

Reduce Hypertension By Taking Probiotics    

Intestinal bacteria, known as probiotics, is helpful for good digestion. However, a recent research has shown that these microorganisms can also lower blood pressure. On the other hand, antibiotics attack these bacteria. The study showed that rats treated with antibiotics to lower the bacteria population also increased its blood pressure. Therefore, adding probiotics to the daily diet should be added to the list of healthy habits to treat hypertension, such as ingesting less salt and doing exercise. Additional info click here.


Friday, July 3, 2020

Bad Breath And Insomnia Can Lead To Coronary Heart Disease

Bad Breath And Insomnia Can Lead To Coronary Heart Disease    

Bacteria In Gum Disease And Inflammation Die To Poor Sleeping Can Increase The Risk Of Heart Attack    

Heart disease is usually related to poor lifestyle and a bad diet. However, there are other signs, such as bad breath and gum disease, along with insomnia due to work shifting. Gum disease allows the bacteria to enter the bloodstream, leading to a higher risk of coronary heart disease, diabetes, and stroke. Also, shift work and insomnia prevents the body from healing and repairing, increasing the blood pressure and inflammation, leading to heart disease. Click here for more details.


Hypertension-Lowering Diet Linked To Lower Depression Levels

Hypertension-Lowering Diet Linked To Lower Depression Levels    

Diet Helps The Gut Microorganisms, Which In Turn, Produce Hormones That Combat Depression    

The DASH diet is based on fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and low-fat dairy foods, and has been designed to fight high blood pressure. However, researchers have found out that it also helps to combat depression. Studies have proved that there is a link between our gut microbiota, the microorganisms in the intestine that help digest the food, and the mood. These microorganisms have an active role in the production of hormones that regulate our moods, such as serotonin and dopamine. To prove the link between a healthy diet and depression, researchers, evaluated the dietary habits of a group of people and compared it to the DASH diet, and to their mood. However, the most interesting finding was the effect of a healthy diet combined with antidepressant drugs. Click here for more info.


Thursday, July 2, 2020

Beta Blockers Are Heart Medications But Are Also Prescribed For Anxiety

Beta Blockers Are Heart Medications But Are Also Prescribed For Anxiety    

They Deal With The Physical Effects Of Anxiety, Such As Rapid Heartbeat Upset Stomach, Headache, And Low Blood Pressure    

Beta blockers are medications for cardiovascular conditions. However, according to specialists, they can also help with the physical symptoms of anxiety. These medications are usually prescribed to patients with cardiovascular problems, such as abnormal heart rhythms, chest pain, and low blood pressure, blocking the beta receptors on the heart in order to slow down the number and intensity of beats. Even though this is a medication for cardiovascular problems, it is also useful for anxiety, because some of its physical symptoms are similar, such as headaches, rapid heartbeats, muscle tension, shakiness, sweating, upset stomach, and nausea, among others. The most common beta blocker is propranolol, but cannot be prescribed for long-term treatment of anxiety. According to specialists, the medication should be taken on an as-needed basis if there is an imminent anxiety situation, such as a presentation, a job interview, a speech, a college test, of a social situation. For long-term treatments, there are medications such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) that act as antidepressants, and serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs) that work as both an antidepressant and pain reliever. These medications increase the level of serotonin production (also called the happiness hormone) and norepinephrine, a hormone that controls the heart rate in the body. Additional information click here.


A Decrease In Blood Supply To The Brain May Result In Vascular Dementia

A Decrease In Blood Supply To The Brain May Result In Vascular Dementia    

It Shows A Lower Capacity To Solve Problems And Make Decisions, Among Others    

There are cases in which the cardiovascular system cannot provide the necessary supply of blood to the brain. The result is brain damage because it does not obtain the necessary nourishment. This condition, called vascular dementia, reveals itself as problems related to organization or planning, problem-solving, or decision-making. Other symptoms are linked to a decrease in concentration, memory, and fluency of speech, among others. Also, there are mood changes, including depression and anxiety. However, this is not the only type of dementia. In Alzheimer’s disease, sufferers have a difficulty learning new things, and in frontotemporal dementia, the patient behaves oddly and has difficulty understanding long sentences. However, even though these are degenerative diseases, meaning that they will only worsen, there are ways to low then down. More info click here.


Macular Degeneration Is The Main Cause Of Age-Related Vision Loss

Macular Degeneration Is The Main Cause Of Age-Related Vision Loss    

Hypertension And Obesity Increase The Risk Of This Condition    

Macular degeneration is a condition when the central part of the retina, called the macula, is damaged. It is the main cause of age-related vision loss, and it is related to obesity, high blood pressure, sedentarism, and a poor diet. When the macular begins deteriorating, the person sees a blurry spot at the center of the field of vision, which gradually spreads outward. The macula focuses the central vision in the eye, and its deterioration will reduce the ability to recognize faces, colors and read. One type of macular degeneration includes the leaking of blood in the macula, while the other involves the thinning of the macula. Even though there is no cure, it is important to prevent it by controlling hypertension, excessive weight, and doing physical activity. More details click here.


Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Dizziness And Blurred Vision Are Symptoms Of Low Blood Pressure

Dizziness And Blurred Vision Are Symptoms Of Low Blood Pressure    

It Causes Poor Blood Irrigation On Inner Ear And Eyes    

If you experience dizziness, the cause might be low blood pressure. Other symptoms are nausea, fatigue, blurred vision, and fainting, among others. Low blood pressure, also called hypotension, occurs when blood pressure is below 90/60mmHg. The blood does not irrigate properly certain organs, like the inner ear, causing dizziness and loss of balance, the eyes, which is the cause of blurry vision, and the brain, resulting in fainting. There are ways to deal with it, such as eating smaller meals throughout the day. Click here for more info.


Negative Effects Of Sleep Apnea On Blood Pressure

Negative Effects Of Sleep Apnea On Blood Pressure    

Sleep apnea occurs when the air passage in the body is interrupted when sleeping, resulting in loud snoring and in breathing interruptions which can last from ten seconds to one minute. This leads to poor sleeping and a sense of fatigue on the next day. Among its consequences are high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease and a high risk of heart attack, depression, and diabetes. Check the full list. More Information click here.