Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Pill With Low Doses Of Three Types Of Hypertension Drugs Proved More Effective Than Usual Treatment

Pill With Low Doses Of Three Types Of Hypertension Drugs Proved More Effective Than Usual Treatment    

They Treat Several Causes Of High Blood Pressure And Have A Synergistic Effect    

Researchers have found that treating high blood pressure treatment with a pill that contains a low dose of three medication for hypertension (called the Triple Pill) is more effective than usual treatment. After 6 months, almost 70% of the patients receiving the triple pill achieved a blood pressure within the target range, compared to 44% of patients with normal medication. The medications in the triple pill are telmisartan, amlodipine, and chlorthalidone, which address a different type of hypertension and have a synergistic effect. Click here for more info.


Relaxation Reduces Blood Pressure, Besides Stress And Anxiety

Relaxation Reduces Blood Pressure, Besides Stress And Anxiety    

It Produces Physical Changes And Also Changes In Gene Expressions    

Relaxation is a successful technique for treating stress and anxiety. According to researchers, it can be also used for reducing high blood pressure. This is because relaxation is not only related to a state of mind, it also causes physical interventions in the body that have a positive effect on lowering blood pressure. Relaxation lowers the breathing rate and heart rate, and its long-term use has been linked to increased brain thickness and specific changes in gene expression. In the study, participants went through a series of sessions including diaphragmatic breathing, mindfulness meditation, and mantra repetition. After the study, more than half of the participants experienced a significant decrease in blood pressure. Additional information click here.


Stopping Caffeine Intake Will Lower Blood Pressure And Help With Bad Breath

Stopping Caffeine Intake Will Lower Blood Pressure And Help With Bad Breath    

However, It Might Result In Headaches And Mood Changes    

Many people consider that a cup of coffee is fundamental for their morning energy boost. Some even take several cups during the day, but it might lead to gastrointestinal problems or excess anxiety. Therefore, the solution is to cut it back. However, this can result in several health issues, due to the body’s dependence on caffeine. One of them are headaches caused by coffee withdrawal. This is because caffeine causes a constriction in the blood vessels in the brain, slowing the blood flow. When they expand, the increase in blood flow causes headaches, which will continue until the brain adapts to the new blood flow. This also means that caffeine can also e used to treat headaches. Another side effect id a change in the mood, because if the absence of the stimulant properties of caffeine. This can also cause depression and irritability. It might also lower the energy levels, increasing fatigue, until the body adapts itself. The absence of caffeine will also provide better sleep. It might also have positive effects lowering the blood pressure, which can be caused by a widening of the arteries. Another reason can be that the lack of caffeine lowers the production of adrenaline, which causes an elevation in blood pressure. It also has beneficial effects if oral health, such as less discoloration on the tooth enamel, and lowers the risk of bad breath. This is because caffeine also causes dry mouth, which promoted the growth of foul-smelling bacteria, increasing the risk of gum disease. The downside is that coffee has also beneficial effects, such as lowering the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and a longer lifespan, among others More info click here.


Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Patients With Pre-Hypertension Can Avoid High Blood Pressure By Practicing Yoga

Patients With Pre-Hypertension Can Avoid High Blood Pressure By Practicing Yoga    

Patients with slightly elevated blood pressure, also called pre-hypertension, are likely to develop high blood pressure unless they change their habits one way to do it is by practicing yoga, which included stretching exercises, breath control, and meditation. More details click here.


Certain Sounds Cause An Extremely Negative Reaction To People

Certain Sounds Cause An Extremely Negative Reaction To People    

It Can Produce Anger, Anxiety, And Even Hypertension And An Increase In Heart Rate    

There is a condition in which people react negatively to certain sounds. It is called misophonia, in which people overreact to determinate sounds, such as slurping drinks, tapping the fingers, or keyboard clicks, among others. Their reaction is disproportionate, and people are aware that they cannot control it. According to specialists, this aversion develops in childhood and gets worse over time. The reaction includes emotional responses, such as anger and anxiety, and also physiological responses, like hypertension and higher heart rate. It can also be caused by other conditions, such as tinnitus, OCD, or eating disorders. Consequences for sufferers include avoiding social situations and broken relationships. Additional information click here.


Identifying The Signs Of Anemia

Identifying The Signs Of Anemia    

Among Them Are Poor Concentration, Headaches, Altered Heartbeat, Insomnia, And Hair Loss    

Anemia is a common blood condition in which there is a deficit of healthy red blood cells in your body, lowering the blood’s capacity to carry oxygen and nutrients. The most common form is iron-deficiency anemia, which is not fatal but can be a symptom of a more serious condition. Among the signs are skin paleness, due to the lower concentration of hemoglobin in the blood, making the blood less red. Low blood oxygen also affects the brain, altering the mood and concentration, and unexplained headaches. The heart also suffers, because it has to work harder to deliver the blood through the body, which alters its heartbeat. This causes exhaustion, which can lead to insomnia. Another sign is hair loss because the blood vessels in the hair follicles are not receiving enough oxygen and nutrients. Check all the signs of anemia. Click here for more information.


Monday, September 28, 2020

In Older Adults, Hypertension Could Be Beneficial For The Brain

In Older Adults, Hypertension Could Be Beneficial For The Brain    

According to a study, high blood pressure in old age may reduce the risk of dementia. Even though it is well-known that hypertension in younger people is harmful, increasing the risk of stroke and cardiovascular problems, in older adults high blood pressure increases the blood flow through the brain, giving it proper oxygenation. More details click here.


Pulmonary Hypertension Can Be Misdiagnosed Due To Symptoms Similar To Other Health Conditions

Pulmonary Hypertension Can Be Misdiagnosed Due To Symptoms Similar To Other Health Conditions    

In Medical Terms, It Is Called A Zebra    

When a medical condition has symptoms related to other diseases, it is difficult to diagnose or even diagnosed as another condition with similar symptoms. This is the case of pulmonary hypertension, which causes high blood pressure in the lungs caused by inflammation of the pulmonary arteries. If not treated, it can result in heart failure. Some of its symptoms are shortness of breath, which can be diagnosed for asthma, or chest pain, misdiagnosed for cardiovascular disease. More Information click here.


Strokes And Seizures Have Similar Symptoms, But Different Origins

Strokes And Seizures Have Similar Symptoms, But Different Origins    

Causes Can Be High Blood Pressure, Poor Circulation, Or Epilepsy And Even Lack Of Sleep    

Strokes and seizures are two conditions that affect brain functioning, have similar symptoms, but have different origins. A stroke occurs when a blood clot is cutting the irrigation in the brain, or when there is a hemorrhage in the brain. A seizure is a neurological event, in which there is a disruption in the electrical signals coming and going to the brain. A stroke can be caused by high blood pressure, diabetes and poor circulation, and is usually a one-time event because the second stroke usually results in death. Thus, it is very important to determine the cause of the stroke and follow the doctor’s orders to avoid the second one. A seizure is usually caused by epilepsy, but other causes can be high fever, meningitis, lack of sleep, among others. The doctor will prescribe a treatment once he has determined the origin of the stroke. More info click here.


Sunday, September 27, 2020

Check These Ways To Reduce Salt Intake

Check These Ways To Reduce Salt Intake    

It is well known that excess salt intake is related to high blood pressure. The main component of salt is sodium, which together with potassium, are necessary for the body processes. The danger occurs when there is excess sodium. There are ways to control this, such as eating fruits and vegetables rich in potassium to balance the sodium. Also, replace the salt with herbs when cooking. Additional info click here.


Friday, September 25, 2020

Exercising The Heart Strengthens It And Increases Flood Flow

Exercising The Heart Strengthens It And Increases Flood Flow    

Normally, if you want something to last longer, you should not overuse it. But in the case of the heart, this is different – the harder it works, the stronger it gets. This is because the heart is a muscle, and it is strengthened by the same principles you use on the abs or the biceps. This will allow pushing a greater volume of blood every day. Additionally, exercise allows muscles to extract more oxygen from the blood when resting, among other benefits. More details click here.


Study: More Fiber In The Diet May Improve Blood Pressure

Study: More Fiber In The Diet May Improve Blood Pressure    

Researchers have found that a diet rich in fiber can shift the type of bacteria in the gut. In turn, these bacteria produce substances called short-chain fatty acids, which reduce the risk of bowel cancer and improve the immune function. Also, these acids resulted in less stiffness in the heart, better cardiovascular function, and lower blood pressure. Additional information click here.


Thursday, September 24, 2020

Snoring Is Not Only An Annoyance, But It Could Also Result In Severe Cardiovascular Problems

Snoring Is Not Only An Annoyance, But It Could Also Result In Severe Cardiovascular Problems    

Besides Increasing The Risk Of Sleep Apnea, Snoring Vibrations Thicken The Walls Of The Carotid Arteries, Restricting Blood Blow    

One of the symptoms of heart attack, besides chest pain, dizziness and headaches, id myocardial infarction, this occurs when the heart does not receive enough blood supply. This condition can occur when a person is lying in bed and its risk can increase if the person has excessive snoring. The reason is the vibration generated by the snore also affects the carotid arteries, which are located near the throat, restricting blood flow. This results in a thickening of the walls of the arteries. Snoring is actually considered an annoyance for the bed partner, but can also be a sign of a poor cardiovascular condition. Also, snoring can lead to sleep apnea, a condition in which the air passage gets interrupted by the relaxation of the tongue tissue, and the patient stops breathing. This increases the risk of stroke and is also related to high blood pressure. More Information click here.


Clinical Trial Shows Successful Results Treating Hypertension With Low Drug Doses

Clinical Trial Shows Successful Results Treating Hypertension With Low Drug Doses    

In hypertensive patients, the normal dose controls blood pressure about 50 percent of the time. However, in a clinical trial, patients were given a very small dose of the antihypertensive drugs available in the market, and it controlled the blood pressure 100% of the time. Even though treatments that include lowering doses require more research, the promising thing is that it can be done with the drugs already available. Additional information click here.


Poor Sleeping Related To Heart Disease

Poor Sleeping Related To Heart Disease    

Heart disease can be detected if the patient has chest pain and breathing difficulty. Researchers have found another sign, the desire to go to bed early and these patients have poor sleeping due to tossing and turning in bed. Other signs are severe headaches, fatigue, and vision problems, among others. Additional information click here.


Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Losing Excess Weight Has A Series Of Benefits In Organ Function

Losing Excess Weight Has A Series Of Benefits In Organ Function    

It Reduces The Risk Of Back Pain, Improves Brain Activity, And Lowers Blood Pressure    

There are hidden benefits of losing weight, besides feeling healthier. Among them is an improvement in lung function, and a reduction of breathlessness by only losing 5% to 10% of the body weight. It also prevents fat buildup in the liver, and reverses damage, restoring the liver to its normal state. Losing extra weight will also reduce the risk of back pain because there is less weight to carry around, and will help increase movement, reducing the symptoms of back pain. Less weight also means less pressure on the feet, making them less stable, and reducing the risk of foot, knee, hip, and lower back pain. There are also benefits in brain activity, improving the memory and mental processes. There are also benefits in cardiovascular activity, which is related to a decrease in heart size and artery thickness, a decreased risk of heart attack, and also lowering blood pressure. Click here for more info.


Hypertension Is Not Usually Diagnosed Or Treated In Children

Hypertension Is Not Usually Diagnosed Or Treated In Children    

A study suggests that most pediatricians do not diagnose hypertension in children. They were more likely to diagnose high blood pressure in children who were overweight or obese, or tall. However, there is now a tendency to watch for chronic conditions that were usually seen in adults. More details click here.


Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Study: Small Cluster Of Cells Responsible For Controlling Blood Pressure

Study: Small Cluster Of Cells Responsible For Controlling Blood Pressure    

High blood pressure is usually treated with medicines and a change of habits. However, it has been discovered that a small cluster of cells located near the carotid artery can cause high blood pressure. Researches removed this body the size of a rice grain and it resulted in an immediate drop in blood pressure. Apparently, this body monitors the oxygen level in the blood, informing the brain to increase the blood pressure, and this monitoring can give false readings. Click here for more info.


Traditional Oriental Medicine Could Have The Key To Longevity

Traditional Oriental Medicine Could Have The Key To Longevity    

It Consists Of A Plant Used Commonly For Heartburn And High Blood Pressure    

According to specialists, a Japanese plant used in traditional oriental medicine could be the key to longevity. The plant is called ashitaba and contains a compound that has anti-aging properties. It has usually been used for treating heartburn, stomach ulcers, high blood pressure, among others. By slowing the aging process it also slows down the cell degeneration process, which increases the risk for conditions including heart disease. The compound also affects the process which causes cell division and growth, which has been linked to cancer. Researchers fed certain insets with the compound, resulting in a 20 percent increase in their lifespan. It also showed positive effects in lab animals, protecting the heart when the blood flow suffered a blockage. Scientists suspect that the substance triggers a process called autophagy, in which the damaged cells are removed, similar to recycling. More info click here.


Study: More Fiber In The Diet May Improve Blood Pressure

Study: More Fiber In The Diet May Improve Blood Pressure    

Researchers have found that a diet rich in fiber can shift the type of bacteria in the gut. In turn, these bacteria produce substances called short-chain fatty acids, which reduce the risk of bowel cancer and improve the immune function. Also, these acids resulted in less stiffness in the heart, better cardiovascular function, and lower blood pressure. Additional information click here.


Monday, September 21, 2020

Aged Cheese Related With An Extended Lifespan

Aged Cheese Related With An Extended Lifespan    

A study has shown that aged cheeses can extend the lifespan. This is because a component called spermicide. It induces a process called autophagy, in which the heart cells identify which parts of them are not working properly and shuts them down. Additional details click here.


Study: Frequent Use Of Sauna Lowers Stroke Risk By 60%

Study: Frequent Use Of Sauna Lowers Stroke Risk By 60%    

It Also Lowers Blood Pressure And Makes Blood Vessels More Flexible    

According to a study, frequent sauna sessions could lower the risk of stroke in 60%, in persons who have four or more weekly sauna sessions, compared to those who have one session per week. These benefit cardiovascular health, lowering the rates of heart disease and dementia. It also lowers blood pressure and makes blood vessels more flexible, allowing better blood flow. However, this study was made in Finland, in which the sauna consists of dry heat. More research is needed to compare the results using heat therapies, such as hot tubs or steam rooms. Click here for more information.


Clinical Trial Shows Successful Results Treating Hypertension With Low Drug Doses

Clinical Trial Shows Successful Results Treating Hypertension With Low Drug Doses    

In hypertensive patients, the normal dose controls blood pressure about 50 percent of the time. However, in a clinical trial, patients were given a very small dose of the antihypertensive drugs available in the market, and it controlled the blood pressure 100% of the time. Even though treatments that include lowering doses require more research, the promising thing is that it can be done with the drugs already available. Additional information click here.


Sunday, September 20, 2020

New Hypertension Treatment Based On Electroacupuncture

New Hypertension Treatment Based On Electroacupuncture    

There is a treatment or hypertension based on electroacupuncture. It increases the release of a certain opioid that controls hypertension. The lower blood pressure lasted for three days after the treatment. Additional information click here.


Friday, September 18, 2020

Ingestion Of Fatty Foods Can Cause Extremely Negative Effects On The Body

Ingestion Of Fatty Foods Can Cause Extremely Negative Effects On The Body    

Besides Obesity, It Affects Blood Pressure, Gastrointestinal Processes, And Even Brain Function    

Fatty foods consist of fried or cooked food with excessive oil. They are a poor health option, being higher in calories, fat, refined carbs and sugar, but low in fiber, vitamins and minerals. Therefore, it has negative effects, such as bloating, stomach pain and diarrhea. This is because the fat is slowly digested, leading to low stomach emptying, which can also cause irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). The obvious consequences are weight gain and obesity, due to the high-calorie count, and increase in blood pressure. These are related to serious conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and even some type of cancer. It can also affect the bacteria in the gastrointestinal system, lowering the capacity of digestion of fiber, and also affects the immune response due to its association with these bacteria. Because fast foods are also combined with sugary drinks, which not only contribute more to obesity, but also affects blood sugar, increasing the risk of type two diabetes, and metabolic syndrome. Additional negative effects are related to brain functions, which affect learning ability and memory retention. There are cooking alternatives that use little or no oil, such as oven cooking, air frying steaming and grilling.


A Diet Rich In Omega-3 Fatty Acids May Help Control High Blood Pressure

A Diet Rich In Omega-3 Fatty Acids May Help Control High Blood Pressure    

A study suggests that a diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids will help control hypertension in young adults. It considered that even a small reduction in pressure, such as 5 mm Hg, can greatly reduce the risk of strokes, while other study found a reduction in blood pressure in diets with less than a gram per day of omega-3 fatty acids. Additional details click here.


Thursday, September 17, 2020

Ingestion Of Fatty Foods Can Cause Extremely Negative Effects On The Body

Ingestion Of Fatty Foods Can Cause Extremely Negative Effects On The Body    

Besides Obesity, It Affects Blood Pressure, Gastrointestinal Processes, And Even Brain Function    

Fatty foods consist of fried or cooked food with excessive oil. They are a poor health option, being higher in calories, fat, refined carbs and sugar, but low in fiber, vitamins and minerals. Therefore, it has negative effects, such as bloating, stomach pain and diarrhea. This is because the fat is slowly digested, leading to low stomach emptying, which can also cause irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). The obvious consequences are weight gain and obesity, due to the high-calorie count, and increase in blood pressure. These are related to serious conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and even some type of cancer. It can also affect the bacteria in the gastrointestinal system, lowering the capacity of digestion of fiber, and also affects the immune response due to its association with these bacteria. Because fast foods are also combined with sugary drinks, which not only contribute more to obesity, but also affects blood sugar, increasing the risk of type two diabetes, and metabolic syndrome. Additional negative effects are related to brain functions, which affect learning ability and memory retention. There are cooking alternatives that use little or no oil, such as oven cooking, air frying steaming and grilling.


Low Blood Pressure May Cause Fainting, Lightheadedness, And Dizziness

Low Blood Pressure May Cause Fainting, Lightheadedness, And Dizziness    

It Lowers The Oxygen Supply To The Brain    

Low blood pressure is not as dangerous as high blood pressure, but it must be treated. This occurs when the blood pressure is lower than normal, 90/60 mmHg or less. Among the symptoms are lightheadedness and dizziness, especially when standing up, which is also called postural hypotension, and also fainting, because low pressure might lead to a poor supply of oxygen to the brain. Other symptoms are feeling sick, having a blurred vision, and confusion. More info click here.


Study Reveals How Stress And Anxiety Increases The Risk Of Heart Disease And Stroke

Study Reveals How Stress And Anxiety Increases The Risk Of Heart Disease And Stroke    

Recent studies have shown that the amygdala is more active in people with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety and depression, and have related this activity to cardiovascular conditions, such as heart attack, angina, heart failure an stroke. More Information click here.


Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Heartburn And Hypertension Drugs Affect Dental Implant Procedures

Heartburn And Hypertension Drugs Affect Dental Implant Procedures    

A study suggests that certain drugs can affect the outcome of a dental implant procedure. It advises taking drugs for high blood pressure and avoid taking meds against heartburn. These drugs can alter how the bone tissue accepts the dental implant. Additional info click here.


Researchers Have Found That Hypertension Can Have A Genetic Cause

Researchers Have Found That Hypertension Can Have A Genetic Cause    

Researchers have found that one of the causes of high blood pressure can be genetic. This means that they can predict which people have an increased risk of having hypertension. But also opens the door for new treatments based on genetic research. Click here for more information.


Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Artificial Sweeteners May Be Responsible For Weight Gain, And A Higher Risk Of Heart Disease

Artificial Sweeteners May Be Responsible For Weight Gain, And A Higher Risk Of Heart Disease    

Aspartame And Saccharin May Have An Adverse Effect On Glucose Control    

Researchers have found that artificial sweeteners might not be healthy at all. Saccharin and aspartame have been linked to weight gain and an increase in the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes. Also, they found no relation between artificial sweeteners and weight loss. According to the research, non-nutritive sweeteners may have adverse effects on appetite control and glucose metabolism. Click here for more details.


New Hypertension Treatment Based On Electroacupuncture

New Hypertension Treatment Based On Electroacupuncture    

There is a treatment or hypertension based on electroacupuncture. It increases the release of a certain opioid that controls hypertension. The lower blood pressure lasted for three days after the treatment. Additional information click here.


Orange Juice Has Health Benefits, But Beware Of Excess Sugar

Orange Juice Has Health Benefits, But Beware Of Excess Sugar    

Orange juice has many health benefits, such as providing more than 100% of the daily vitamin C requirement, along with flavonoids, folic acid, pectin, potassium, and antioxidants. On the other side, there is artificially sweetened orange juice, which has excessive sugar and can also affect tooth enamel if taken excessively. Check all the pros and cons of orange juice. Additional info click here.


Monday, September 14, 2020

These Foods Will Help Lowering Blood Pressure

These Foods Will Help Lowering Blood Pressure    

Among Them Are Garlic, Ginger, And Dark Chocolate    

The most common treatment for high pressure is meds. However, there are foods that also help with hypertension. Among these are garlic, which relaxed the blood vessels, ginger, which lowers cholesterol levels and prevents blood clots, and dark chocolate, which lowers blood pressure and reduces the risk of heart attack. Other foods are beetroot, which is rich in nitric oxide, helping to open blood vessels, and olive oil, which has polyphenols, compounds that help fighting inflammation and lowering blood pressure. Check the full list of foods that will help lower blood pressure. Click here for more info.


Hypertension And Obesity Lowers Testosterone Level – How To Boost It?

Hypertension And Obesity Lowers Testosterone Level – How To Boost It?    

Hypertension, diabetes, and obesity lower testosterone levels, which is one of the main causes of erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation. There are ways to increase it, such as daily exercise, having a sleep schedule, getting rid of excess weight and taking care of stress, among others. More info click here.


Stopping Physical Activity And Exercise Has An Overall Effect On The Body

Stopping Physical Activity And Exercise Has An Overall Effect On The Body    

There Is An Increase If The Risk Of Hypertension, Back Pain, Depression, And Excess Weight    

Exercise and physical activity are one of the pillars of good health. But there are times in which the exercise must be interrupted because of lack of time, an accident, or a scheduled event, the exercise must be interrupted. There are effects on health, such as a higher risk of depression. This is because the brain does not receive enough blood to the hippocampus. Depression symptoms might appear after three days of not exercising. Also, the blood pressure increases because the blood vessels get stiff after three months of sedentarism. There is also a rise in blood sugar, and the muscles shrink. There is also a higher risk of joint pain or back pain. Another issue is the loss of endurance, which affects the sensitivity of the heart and the lung capacity, making it less efficient. Less exercise means also more body weight because of lower metabolism. Less exercise also affects sleep quality. More info click here.


Sunday, September 13, 2020

Changing These Habits Will Help Control High Blood Pressure

Changing These Habits Will Help Control High Blood Pressure    

High blood pressure is treated with meds, but it is also necessary to change certain habits –which is something not everybody does. For example, getting more activity, not preparing for a marathon, but 30 minutes per day of walking running, even tai chi or gardening. Also having healthy eating, watching over sugar and salt, controlling the weight and managing stress, among others. Click here for more details.


Friday, September 11, 2020

These Spices Will Help With Bad Breath, Hypertension And IBS

These Spices Will Help With Bad Breath, Hypertension And IBS    

Spices add flavor to the food and are great for cooking. However, they also have health benefits. For example, cinnamon and cardamom have antibacterial properties that will with oral care and fighting bad breath. These two spices, along with paprika, have also properties for lowering blood pressure. Coriander can help with poor digestion, IBS, and intestinal gas. Check all the benefits. More Information click here.


Taking Baking Soda For Weight Loss Is A Myth

Taking Baking Soda For Weight Loss Is A Myth    

However, It Causes A Sensation Of Fullness, Causing To Eat Less But Could Increase Hypertension    

Some people insist that drinking baking soda can lead to weight loss. Baking soda, which is also called sodium bicarbonate, is alkaline and can be used to neutralize the excess acidity in the stomach, easing symptoms such as indigestion and nausea. However, it turns into sodium and carbon dioxide, resulting in bloating and an increase in the risk of hypertension. It won’t help in weight loss, but the sensation of fullness caused by the expansion of carbon dioxide will prevent additional eating, decreasing calorie intake. It also has an effect on sports performance. Excessive physical activity is controlled by the secretion of lactic acid, which causes muscle fatigue. The alkaline properties of sodium bicarbonate will delay the effect of lactic acid, Increasing sports performance. However, at the same time, it might cause abdominal distress. Click here for more info.


Thursday, September 10, 2020

Coffee Leaf Tea Is A Natural Product For Lowering Blood Pressure

Coffee Leaf Tea Is A Natural Product For Lowering Blood Pressure    

It Is An Infusion Made Of Dried Coffee Leaves    

Coffee leaf tea is a natural alternative to lower blood pressure. According to researchers, has the health benefit of reducing hypertension and inflammation. It consists of an infusion made from dried coffee leaves, which are processed similarly to tea leaves. It diminishes the action of the biochemical mediators that have an effect on blood pressure and inflammation. It has a complex mixture of phytochemicals that have an effect on nitric oxide productions and anti-inflammatory agents. Also, it does not get bitter like normal tea. Additional info click here.


Excessive Coffee Ingestion Can Lead To A Caffeine Hangover

Excessive Coffee Ingestion Can Lead To A Caffeine Hangover    

Among The Symptoms Are Sleep Disorders, Headaches, Acid Reflux, Excess Anxiety, And Heart Palpitations    

Sometimes a deadline, final exams, or preparing a presentation can demand us working late for several nights. Most think about avoiding sleepiness with a good cup of coffee. And when one cup is not enough, the solution may be two or three more until the job is done. But what happens with the body when there is excessive caffeine ingestion? It can suffer from a caffeine hangover. People have different degrees of tolerance for alcohol. The same happens with caffeine. One symptom is a strong headache, however, caffeine is included in many headache medications. Specialists believe that excess caffeine can increase the risk of headache due to medication overuse. Another symptom is insomnia, even after many hours of taking the last cup. This is because the metabolism slows down with age, delaying the absorption of caffeine. The heart also can suffer, with a fast rate or palpitations. Excess caffeine in the body can affect the gastrointestinal system, promoting acid secretion in the stomach, and relaxing the gastroesophageal valve, which causes the food matter to return to the esophagus and throat, causing heartburn. In the case of patients already suffering from heartburn, it worsens this condition. Too much coffee also causes excess anxiety by stimulating the release of the hormone cortisol, which sets the body in a fight-or-flight situation. More info click here.


Flavonoids Will Help Losing Weight And Lowering Blood Pressure

Flavonoids Will Help Losing Weight And Lowering Blood Pressure    

Abdominal fat is related to hypertension, strokes, diabetes and certain cancers. A study has determined that flavonoid intake helps getting rid of body fat by controlling fat storage, blocking fat absorption, regulating blood sugar, boosting calorie burn, among others. These are found in berries, red grapes, green tea, onions, citrus, and soybeans, depending on the type of flavonoid. Check the full list. More Information click here.


Wednesday, September 9, 2020

These Foods Will Help With Blood Pressure And Also Overall Health

These Foods Will Help With Blood Pressure And Also Overall Health    

Unhealthy diet habits will lead to obesity and increase the risk of heart disease. However, there are foods that have proven to be healthy and nutritious. Among these are tomatoes, containing the antioxidant lycopene, which reduces blood pressure and heart disease. Other is garlic, which contains vitamins and antioxidants. Check the full list – it even contains chocolate. More info click here.


Don’t Wait Until Emergency Hypertension Symptoms Show Up

Don’t Wait Until Emergency Hypertension Symptoms Show Up    

Watch For Headaches, Frequent Nose Bleed And Facial Flushing    

The main problem with hypertension symptoms is that usually there are no symptoms until there is an emergency situation. The most common symptoms are headaches, but they can be caused by many other health conditions. However, there are symptoms such as frequent nosebleeds, especially when it takes longer to heal, dizziness and facial flushing, and blood spots on one eye caused by blood clotting. Check all the symptoms for high blood pressure. More details click here.


Lower The Risk Of Heart Attack By 50% By Walking Or Cycling

Lower The Risk Of Heart Attack By 50% By Walking Or Cycling    

A study has shown that people with moderate activity, such as walking or bicycling reduces the risk of a heart attack in almost 50%. It is suggested to increase the activity in a progressive way, limiting it to 150 minutes of weekly activity. Click here for more details.


Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Study: Exercise Can Decrease The Risk Of Genetic Cardiovascular Disease

Study: Exercise Can Decrease The Risk Of Genetic Cardiovascular Disease    

The Genetic Risk Canny Be Eliminated, But It Can Be Attenuated    

One of the causes of heart disease and hypertension is genetics. This means that, if high blood pressure or heart attacks have been common in the patient’s family, then it is very probable that it will also happen to the patient. Fortunately, a recent study states that exercise can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, even in those that have a high genetic risk. Researchers reviewed the genetic profiles of those with a high risk of coronary heart disease, and atrial fibrillation, with also a high level of cardiorespiratory fitness, and concluded that their fitness level reduced their risk of coronary heart disease and atrial fibrillation on 49% and 60%. This means that genetic risk cannot be eliminated, but can be attenuated. More Information click here.


High Blood Pressure Can Be Treated Naturally With Valerian

High Blood Pressure Can Be Treated Naturally With Valerian    

It Also Improves Sleep Quality And Helps With Panic Attacks And Excess Stress    

High blood pressure is usually treated with medication, diet, and lifestyle changes. However, there are also natural treatments that have proven to lower blood pressure. One of them is valerian, which has been used since medieval times to improve sleep quality, calm anxiety and reduce muscle tension. It combats the effects of stress by blocking certain enzymes in the brain, it increases the level of a substance called gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), lowering the excess stimulation caused by overthinking in the presence of anxiety. It also lowers the blood pressure caused by excess stress and decreases sleep disturbance, panic attacks, and stress and anxiety. Additional information click here.


Sugary Drinks Increase Significantly The Risk Of Hypertension

Sugary Drinks Increase Significantly The Risk Of Hypertension    

According to a study, taking one sugary drink more than one time a day increases the risk of high blood pressure by ten. This can be soda or a fruit juice. This is because there will be an increase of uric acid in the blood, as well as more insulin secretion. Additional information click here.


Monday, September 7, 2020

Benefits Of Bananas For Controlling High Blood Pressure

Benefits Of Bananas For Controlling High Blood Pressure    

It Is A Source Of Fiber And Potassium, Helping Control Hypertension    

High blood pressure can be controlled with a proper diet with foods rich in fiber, such as fruits and vegetables. Among these, banana is especially beneficial because it has a high fiber and antioxidant content, which helps with cardiovascular health. Bananas also help regulate bowel movement, are good for healthy skin. they are an excellent source of potassium and fiber. According to studies, a diet rich in fiber and potassium reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke. Also, potassium is fundamental to controlling hypertension. Additionally, its natural sugars are a good option for diabetes sufferers. More info click here.


Meditation Will Help Controlling Hypertension

Meditation Will Help Controlling Hypertension    

Meditation is a great way to control stress, which, among other things, lowers blood pressure. As with any new habit, it can be difficult at first. Guided meditation is like a coach that is guiding you, while mindfulness of breathing focuses on your breath inhalations and exhalations. Check more tips on meditation. Click here for more information.


Snoring Is Not Only An Annoyance, But It Could Also Result In Severe Cardiovascular Problems

Snoring Is Not Only An Annoyance, But It Could Also Result In Severe Cardiovascular Problems    

Besides Increasing The Risk Of Sleep Apnea, Snoring Vibrations Thicken The Walls Of The Carotid Arteries, Restricting Blood Blow    

One of the symptoms of heart attack, besides chest pain, dizziness and headaches, id myocardial infarction, this occurs when the heart does not receive enough blood supply. This condition can occur when a person is lying in bed and its risk can increase if the person has excessive snoring. The reason is the vibration generated by the snore also affects the carotid arteries, which are located near the throat, restricting blood flow. This results in a thickening of the walls of the arteries. Snoring is actually considered an annoyance for the bed partner, but can also be a sign of a poor cardiovascular condition. Also, snoring can lead to sleep apnea, a condition in which the air passage gets interrupted by the relaxation of the tongue tissue, and the patient stops breathing. This increases the risk of stroke and is also related to high blood pressure. More Information click here.


Sunday, September 6, 2020

Caffeine Can Help Reduce Inflammation In Old Age And Also Increase Longevity

Caffeine Can Help Reduce Inflammation In Old Age And Also Increase Longevity    

A cup of coffee will boost your morning. Now according to a study, it can also help fight inflammation and cardiovascular diseases related to older age, and even increase the longevity. The study related high levels of caffeine with lower activation of a molecule that triggers chronic inflammation, which is responsible for 90 percent of all non-communicable disease in old age. On the other hand, caffeine also triggered hypertension in patients. Additional information click here.


Friday, September 4, 2020

More Than 30% Of Hypertension Patients Do Not Follow Their Prescribed Treatment

More Than 30% Of Hypertension Patients Do Not Follow Their Prescribed Treatment    

A study has confirmed that, among high blood pressure patients, more than 30% do not follow their antihypertensive drug therapy. This is a result of poor health literacy, lack of understanding of medical benefits, and poor communication or distrust between the patient and doctor. More details click here.


Thursday, September 3, 2020

These Foods Will Help With Blood Pressure And Also Overall Health

These Foods Will Help With Blood Pressure And Also Overall Health    

Unhealthy diet habits will lead to obesity and increase the risk of heart disease. However, there are foods that have proven to be healthy and nutritious. Among these are tomatoes, containing the antioxidant lycopene, which reduces blood pressure and heart disease. Other is garlic, which contains vitamins and antioxidants. Check the full list – it even contains chocolate. More info click here.


Excess Weight Reduces The Life Expectancy In Obese People

Excess Weight Reduces The Life Expectancy In Obese People    

Apart from increasing the risks for serious diseases and health conditions, a recent study has shown that excess weight alters the DNA in obese people, increasing the risk of the health risks of their children. Also, people with elevated BMI (Body-Mass Index) decrease their life expectancy between 3 and 10 years. Additional info click here.


Reduce Hypertension By Taking Probiotics

Reduce Hypertension By Taking Probiotics    

Intestinal bacteria, known as probiotics, is helpful for good digestion. However, a recent research has shown that these microorganisms can also lower blood pressure. On the other hand, antibiotics attack these bacteria. The study showed that rats treated with antibiotics to lower the bacteria population also increased its blood pressure. Therefore, adding probiotics to the daily diet should be added to the list of healthy habits to treat hypertension, such as ingesting less salt and doing exercise. Additional info click here.


Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Health Benefits Of Fermented Foods

Health Benefits Of Fermented Foods    

They Promote Gut Health, Decrease The Risk Of Heart Disease, And Help With Social Anxiety    

Fermented foods and drinks have a series of health benefits. Among them are sauerkraut, kimchi. Pickles, and kombucha, which is a fermented tea. Fermented foods also help with hut health, and some believe that it reduces the risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and even social anxiety. In addition, probiotics can be found in fermented dairy or vegetable products. Also, many costly gourmet foods are fermented ones because the fermentation process creates very strong flavors. According to specialists, fermented food has a flavor between fresh and rotten. In many cases, this is due to a sour or tangy flavor because of lactic acid, which is one of the main products of the fermentation process. Besides providing health benefits to the gut, which is the bacteria in the intestine, probiotics also improve immunity, help controlling blood pressure, relieve irritable bowel syndrome, and aid with the digestion of lactose in the case of lactose intolerance. Also, the procedure to ferment food have been used thousands of years ago as a mean to preserve food, when not cans or refrigerators were available. Click here for more info.


Chocolate Is Beneficial For Blood Pressure Reduction And Cardiovascular Disease

Chocolate Is Beneficial For Blood Pressure Reduction And Cardiovascular Disease    

Chocolate reduces the risk of acute myocardial infarction. A study has shown that chocolate and cocoa flavonoids help with blood pressure, insulin sensitivity, among others. It is also related to a reduction of stroke incidence and cardiovascular disease mortality. Click here for more information.


Check These Habits For Better Health And Longevity

Check These Habits For Better Health And Longevity    

Healthy habits will not only benefit the body and the mind but also will result in greater longevity. Apart from exercise and diet, there are also getting regular sleep, taking a day off to rest and rejuvenate, managing stress correctly, and addressing any health issue. More Information click here.


Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Sugary Drinks Increase Significantly The Risk Of Hypertension

Sugary Drinks Increase Significantly The Risk Of Hypertension    

According to a study, taking one sugary drink more than one time a day increases the risk of high blood pressure by ten. This can be soda or a fruit juice. This is because there will be an increase of uric acid in the blood, as well as more insulin secretion. Additional information click here.


This Smart Patch Monitors Stress Levels

This Smart Patch Monitors Stress Levels    

It Detects Heart Rate And Shallow Breathing    

A new device, called a smart patch, can help to monitor stress levels. Even though most people have different responses to stress, there are common indicators, such as high heart rate and shallow breathing. The patch is located on the chest, and when it detects stress, it guides you breathing with subtle vibrations. It increases the natural heart rate variability (HRV), which is a biomarker for physical and psychological health. A low HRV is related to anxiety, poor performance, and distraction, which we would like to avoid. More Information click here.


Arm Numbness Can Be A Symptom Of A Serious Condition

Arm Numbness Can Be A Symptom Of A Serious Condition    

Among Them Are Nerve Damage, Heart Attack, Spinal Compression, And Even Stroke    

Arm numbness can have a variety of causes. Among them is an improper position while sitting or sleeping, which restricts the blood flow, or puts excess pressure on a nerve. This can also cause tingling in arms, hands, legs, and feet, a cold sensation in hands and feet, pain or swelling. Poor circulation can also be caused by blood clots or plaques located in the walls of the blood vessels, which interrupts blood flow. Another cause is damage to the nervous system, which can affect the signaling between the spinal cord and the rest of the body. Besides a sensation of numbness or tingling, there can be an increase of sensitivity to variation in temperature and touch, and muscle weakness and twitching. The cause can be a health condition, such as nerve damage, which occurs when the spinal cord narrows due to the compression of the vertebral canal that holds it. Another cause can be when an intervertebral disk, which acts as a shock absorber between the vertebra, loses its elasticity or cracks, resulting in a hernia and compressing the nerves. An additional cause can be hemiplegic migraine, which can lead to a temporary weakness or paralysis of the side of the body, including arms and legs. Additional conditions include heart attack, causing pain or numbness in the left arm, pain in the back or neck, intense pressure in the chest, and pain in the chest, which can give a sensation of heartburn. Stroke is also a condition that can cause numbness in the arms, legs, or face, a severe headache, difficulty speaking, and confusion.